Certified Professional Logistician (CPL)

The Certified Professional Logistician (CPL) programme provides a benchmark of excellence for measuring capability and proficiency within the profession of logistics and supply chain management.  CPL is one of two (CTP) Transport and Logistics certifications being offered by a consortium of transport and logistic associations, which needed an industry wide system for certifying professional Logisticians.

The developed web application vets registrants using a skills calculator, if the registrant meets the benchmarked criteria, they can proceed to register on the system. Depending on which governing body the applicant is applying the relevant association is informed of the registration and the process of validating the applicant occurs in the back-end administration system.

Key Requirements

  • Web design and web applications development
  • Custom coding
  • E-commerce
  • Multi-part registration form
  • Administration workflow
  • Registrant Management System
  • Association level management, privacy and security on a shared system

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