ANZ Staff Club Portal

Screen shot of the ANZ Staff Club Portal

The ANZ staff club chose HansaWorld’s CRM for their new staff portal. Due to the constraints of the CRM the ANZ team were having trouble achieving the design, interactivity and layout requirements.

The Brief

The ANZ team engaged EDMEDiA to help resolve the issues. The brief was, Modifying the core application was out of the question. The CRM was not capable of enhancement via add-on modules and customised code. The theme engine could not be modified and the resulting layout was fixed.

As we could not make any modifications from the backend of the system, our approach was to address the issue from the front-end. We used JavaScript and CSS techniques and using CSS class and ID names we managed to hook our customised JavaScript code to specific items within in the interface. This allowed us to modify the look a feel of the website and achieved the design requirement and for the ANZ Staff Club.

What we did

  • Developed custom JQuery and JavaScript libraries
  • Developed the websites CSS
  • Reorder the layout of the screens using JavaScript and CSS
  • Re-arrange the ecommerce store display using CSS and JavaScript
  • Build a Menu system using JavaScript and CSS
  • Build a Tabs and Accordions using JavaScript and CSS

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